Monday, June 16, 2008

The waiting!

Have you ever wanted something so badly. You knew you could get it. You knew if you could just have it, everything would make sense. I've been a follower of Christ long enough to know that He's there. I never have to guess at that. Life can be hard, life can bring challenges, sometimes it can just....well suck, right? But, My walk with Christ is to the point that I know he will show up. I know that he has a plan. But God's plans are like a Red light. I personally think red lights were invented to impede progress. Stopping the flow of traffic and everything that makes sense. I get so impatient. Thinking that God will actually do as I see fit. The waiting is so stressful. I'm a big dreamer. Always have been. However, I'm not good at writing dreams down. Believing that God will bring those dreams to past is sooo hard. I was reading tonight about the parable of the land owner. In this parable the land owner pays the workers that worked all day the same as the workers that only worked an hour. I'm not sure if this is the point of that parable, but I got from it that people, myself included, are always looking at what they didn't get vs at what they did receive. I don't want to be this way. Anyway, such is life and I am tired.

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